Wednesday 1 June 2011

throttle position sensor (off car)

Potentiometer Type:

this sensor has a sliding contact that moves every time the throttle is moved. the sensor is supplied a voltage by the ecu and as the throttle moves it creates a bigger voltage output (idle is around 0.5 volts and wide open throttle is around 4.5 volts)

i connected my sensor to a 5 volt supply and measured the angles i set it at.
i then used my volt meter to check the voltage output that the sensor was giving, i did this by putting my negative probe on the "ground" pin out on the sensor and putting my positive probe on the "output' pin out on the sensor. each time i changed the angle of the throttle butterfly i got a different reading which increased as i opened throttle wider.

Throttle Angle Voltage Output
22.5° 1.15V
45° 1.96V
67.5° 2.76V
90° 3.86V

I then created a table to record my data:

this table shows that the wider i opened the throttle, the higher the voltage output.

Switch Type:

this throttle position sensor is a switch type, it usually only has two contact points (wide open throttle and closed throttle). it generally has three pins (idle, voltage in, full throttle)

to test this sensor you need to check the resistance, you do this by putting your negative prong on the earth pin and your positive prong on the idle pin (make sure throttle is closed), you should get a very minimal reading around 1.4ohms.
you then place your positive prong on the wide open throttle pin (make sure the throttle is wide open) your should also get a very minimal reading around 1.4ohms

i recorded a graph to explain my reading better:

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