Sunday 12 June 2011

Flash Codes

Flash/Blink codes
If the check engine light was on when the ignition is on, there is a fault in the system some where.
for this test i read the workshop manual and found out that i needed a jumper wire to find out theses faults. i had to connect the jumper wire to two terminals in the fuse box and join them together (TE1 and E1).
When i connected the jumper wire to the two terminals, the check engine light would then start flashing and make a pattern that i had to look up in the manual to find out what they mean.

For example: if the light flashed 2 times and then 4 times. i would look up the number 24 in the manual.

Trouble codes or Fault codes
below is a table of recordings that came up as faults on my engine when the tutor made some faults for me to find.

Code Number System Affected Condition Described
24 air intake temp incorrect air fuel ratio
31 vacuum sensor too much fuel being squirted in
41 TPS bad idle RPM

Visual Inspection to find fault and repairing fault
-air intake temp sensor was unplugged when i had a look at it, to repair this i plugged it back in
-vacuum sensor was unplugged when i checked it, i then plugged it back in.
-TPS sensor was also unplugged, to repair this i had to plug it back in.

Clear Codes and Recheck for them
i turnedd the ignition off after i had fixed the faults, this also  clears the codes.
when i turned the ignition back on the check engine light was off and there were no faults in the system.

How could the faults affect engine performance?
these faults would have made the engine not idle correctly and eventually blow up because of the pinging, this was due to the vacuum sensor being unplugged which made the ecu think that it was at wide open throttle so it was putting maximum fuel in.

After the engine light is off i should do another visual check to make sure everything is plugged in properly and the engine is running correctly.

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