Wednesday 15 June 2011

Exhaust Gas Analysis

to record the following data i placed the exhaust analyser into the exhaust pipe of the vehicle.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) - if the engine is putting out these gasses, the catalytic converter is not working correctly. with a high number, the catalytic converter is not working properly.

Hydro Carbons (HC) - with his gas, we can tell about the misfires in the engine.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - this gas will show us if the catalytic converter is working correctly. with a high number, this will tell us that the catalytic converter is working correctly.

Oxygen (O2) - these levels will show us if the engine is running too ritch or too lean. if the oxygen levels are high, the engine is running lean. if the oxygen levels are low the engine is running too ritch.

i then went ahead and let the analyzer run its course and test the emissions when the engine was idling cold and recorded the four gasses

CO - 41% - this shows us that the cat is not working because these gasses are quite high.
HC - 340ppm - this shows us that the engine is misfiring a lot
CO2 - 12% - these levels are quite low, this shows us that the cat is not working correctly.
O2 - 0.6% - this shows us that the engine is running that the engine is running ritch.

i then let the engine warm up to operating temperature and recorded the four gasses again.

CO - 3% - this shows me that the cat is still not working correctly because this number should almost be 0
HC - 171ppm - this shows me that there is not as many misfires in the engine because the number has dropped.
CO2 - 12.8% - this is quite low which still indicates that the cat is not working correctly
O2 - 0.08% - this shows me the engine is running even more ritch than at idle.

after the previous test i let rev'd the engine up to 2500 rpm and recorded the four gasses

CO - 39% - this tells us the cat is still not working and needs replacing because this gas should not be getting released.
HC - 245 ppm - this shows that as the engine is rev'd up, is gets an increase in misfires
CO2 - 12.8% - this is still low which indicates the cat is broken.
O2 - 0.18% - this number has gone up quite a bit which tells us the engine is running a little bit lean.

with the results of these tests, it is clear that the catalytic converter is broken and not filtering the gasses, it also tells us that the engine has misfire.
the carbon monoxide was too high and is very harmful to breathe in.

1 comment:

  1. Why is their only 3 readings?
    CO tells us if the engine is rich of lean
    HC tells us if the fuel is being burnt fully(unburned fuel)
    O2 whether the cat is converting CO in CO2
    Co2 again how well the cat is working

    your explanations are not correct
